Im married and need some sex in my life! I am seeking a nice modern girl, willing to play and enjoy life in general
and sex in all positions.
I'm single in my mid fifties and i'm living my best life ,
i'm into pets and motor sports , i love to cook , and tinker with things , i also value late nights and sleeping in
late , and afternoon naps , as well as sex in the kitchen , sex
in the living room , sex in the living room , sex in the living room , sex in garage , sex in the car
, oh and let's not forget sex in the morning,
then we decide to get breakfast and then have sex again, then decide to
go to like a park to stroll, then have sex again then decide to get breakfast and then have sex again, then decide to go to like
a park to stroll, then have sex again then decide to get lunch
and have sex. 18 years old, aspiring programmer, highly interested in sex please hit me up and also please make sure you are clean I am not looking
to leave my wife, just need some civilized sex in a discreet fashion.
Been a Licensed
Massage Therapist for 10 years.Love using it as part of foreplay in the being intimate
and having sex in taboo places. Who enjoys sex in all its forms.